Why do I like stories about disasters and tragedy? The Titanic. The Galveston Hurricane. The Holocaust. These are all topics I find myself interested in, mainly because, though some people certainly die, I like the stories of everyday people who overcome incredible odds. That’s the crux of every good novel, if you think about it. Plus these are real people—nobody made them up—and their stories of courage and tragedy haunt me. The Johnstown Flood of May 31, 1889, is one of those stories that grabbed ahold of me and wouldn’t let go until I’d finished reading David McCullough’s fine, engaging book. I wanted to know how two thousand people could just die because of a broken dam. And how could a dam fall into such disrepair and fail? Didn’t the people in the valley below realize they were living in a major flood zone? Didn’t anyone warn them? Why would anyone…
Welcome to a New Year! And a new publisher I’m excited to be working with. Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas is reissuing my first novel, Fatal Illusions, with a special Kindle sale. You can now purchase the Kindle version for only $3.99. And if you once purchased the print edition, you may now purchase a digital copy for only $1.99. Check it out here. Stay tuned. The paperback version will be available soon.
Greetings, family and friends! Yes, it’s that time of year again—and I’ll try not to bore you by saying the same ol’ things I say every year. At this time of year, however, it’s tough not to reflect on where we were a year ago and on what God did in our lives over the last twelve months. And God, as always, did many wonderful things as only He can. I consider myself to be a very blessed man for many reasons. God has blessed me with an amazing wife, Kim, and two gorgeous daughters, Laura (13) and Julia (10). I also get to work from home as a full-time editor and write novels as God grants me time, and I’m so thankful for that. I get to work with words all day, every day, so that’s another blessing. Writing time was frankly hard to come by this year. With two…
I recently read this book and loved it. I plan to share a detailed review in the future (what I liked/what I didn’t). Stay tuned. What are you reading these days?