My Publishing Story
My Publishing Story
In August 2007, God fulfilled the dream of a lifetime. I’d been writing stories since I was a kid and had been dreaming of being a novelist for more years than I can count (see my Frequently Asked Questions). In 2002, I began working on a Christian suspense novel, then called Now You See Him, through a Writer’s Digest School correspondence course under the guidance of Christian romantic suspense novelist Bea Carlton. Bea mentored me as I developed the plot outline, the characters, the settings, and the first fifty pages. For four years, I worked hard to hone my craft and to make the novel the best it could be.
In January 2006, literary agent Steve Laube responded enthusiastically to my book proposal and wanted to see the entire manuscript. Though he ultimately declined to represent me, he said my manuscript had great potential and gave me a list of things to improve. I took his advice. A year later, I contacted Kregel Publications, seeking editorial work to do from home. When the managing editor saw my resume and noticed that I had written several as-yet unpublished novel manuscripts, he asked to see my latest effort.
In August I received the news that Kregel wanted to publish my novel! I remember hugging my wife and jumping up and down. After so many years of working on the manuscript during my evenings and weekends, I had begun to wonder if I should give up on my dream. But God has opened the door wide open. May the Lord receive all the glory!